Fairly Typical for Norfolk
By Russell Russ
The month’s high temperature of 85 degrees was observed on August 9. The low temperature of 47 degrees was observed on August 28. The average mean temperature this month was 67.8 degrees, 1.6 degrees above the August normal.
Temperatures were fairly typical for August. There were thirteen days with temperatures at or above the 80 degree mark. There were no days at or above 90 degrees, and no days with record temperatures. There were some cooler days toward the end of the month, but we did not get a big cold snap as we frequently can get during the month of August.
The weather station, on average, gets to 90 degrees or above 2.5 times per year. This year at the station the temperature broke 90 degrees twice, both in July. By contrast, at the end of August the official station at Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks had 31 days at or above 90 degrees for the year. Bradley Airport’s average is 18 days per year, their record is 38 days. As many of us know, there is a big temperature difference between Norfolk and Bradley Airport (and Hartford). The proof is in the numbers.
The total precipitation recorded for the month was 3.90 inches, 0.63 inch below normal. It seemed like a dry month, but it ended up being only a little below normal. A majority of the monthly rain came in only a handful of days, with only three thunderstorms observed at the station this month. For the 2010 calendar year, through August, the total precipitation amount is 33.79 inches, 0.57 inch below normal.
As is typical for Norfolk, there was some coloring starting to show in the trees around the second week of August. By the end of the month there was noticeable coloring in many locations around town. Autumn is just around the corner.