An Average May for Norfolk
By Russell Russ
The month’s low temperature of 31 degrees was observed on May 19. The high temperature of 84 degrees was observed on May 21. Interestingly, the month’s low and high temperatures occurred just about 57 hours apart. The average mean temperature this month was 55.2 degrees, just 0.6 degrees above the May normal.
The total precipitation recorded for the month was 4.75 inches, just 0.4 inches above normal. For the 2009 calendar year, through May, the total precipitation amount is 16.45 inches, 4.43 inches below normal.
There was not even a trace of snowfall this month. The May normal snowfall amount is 0.4 inches. For the calendar year, through May, the total snowfall amount is 56.9 inches, 9.4 inches below normal. A final look at the 2008-09 winter season snowfall amount shows that Norfolk recorded 78.9 inches from October through May. This is 12.3 inches below normal. The last measurable snowfall came way back on March 9 and since then we have only had trace amounts through April and none in May.
On May 7, 9 and 16 there was some thunder accompanying rain events, but no big thunder and lightning storms were observed. We did have a number of cool evenings during the middle part of the month. Frost was seen at the weather station during the early morning of May 19, when some lower elevation locations around town dipped into the mid to upper 20’s. The weather was beautiful for everyone for Norfolk’s Memorial Day parade and road race.